Code Cognita

n:m Coverage

starOur Solutions

Code Cognita

Make it Easyer to locate your Features in code with a map, with Cover-Rest's Code Cognita.


n:m Coverage

There are just to many Coverage tools for to many Language simplefy it with Cover-Rest with one Api for all.



Cover-Rest is an opensource project funded by the Prototypefund

featureHow does it Work

n:m Coverage

There are many diffrent languages with different tools for coverage, we will bring it over an adapter to an Common API. The Common API will make it easy to work with any Tool and Language and the Aapter are just some few lines of code or a common output format.

feature Map Example

The Features are Mapped in Code. For Example the “Add” Feature is in line 4 and lines 13 to 18 and the “Subtract” Feature is in line 5 and lines 19 to 24 and the “Exit” Feature in line 7 , 25 and 26.

The Goal is it to make your Source easier to Navigate for you and others and in the progress make testing more effective.

full Test Example

This is the Output of and Coverage tool for python. As you can see some parts are tested some arent, but which Features are being tested?

partial Test Example

Here you can see that the “Subtract” Feature isn’t tested, so our tool will see this with the previos show Feature map and can give you a better idea of Covarge of your Code.

teamTeam Members

Our Team


Thorsten Behrens

Mr. C++ & DevOps

Linus Behrens

Mr. Python & UX/UI

Urs Svante Schubert

Mr. Java & Graph